Volunteer Opportunities List

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Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

COVID-19 - Sharing safety messages volunteer. During COVID-19 micro volunteers are needed to help share safety messages on all of social media platforms. With the current guidelines for people to spend more time at home, there can often be other risks posed to them, such as fire. By joining this role you are helping to spread the safety message to a wider audience. They provide a range of messages to do with home safety, water safety, road safety, education, Arson reduction plus lots more.

Community Event Engagement Volunteer to support the promotion and delivery of their key safety messages at events, Station Open Days and initiatives throughout the community. You may be asked to participate in local safety promotions, participate in activities to generate safe and well visits.

Fire Cadet Scheme Volunteer to support the Fire Cadet Instructors with the delivery of the National Fire Cadet Programme in the Service Area consisting of practical and classroom based elements to young people ages 13-17 years.

Service Admin Volunteer to work as part of a team to enhance services already in place with their daily tasks. General Office duties include use of IT equipment and software, telephone duties and data input.

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